Wednesday, February 2, 2011

If Nerdy Academics Started a Band...

A friend of mine, noting how both of us had fallen ill, jokingly remarked that our first album name could be "Of Germs Between Us." Considering we're both nerdy grad students into theory and philosophy, this sent me spiraling into thinking up ridiculous possibilities for band names. I've also managed to include commentary on genre, and in some cases, names for the first single. In no particular order:

Too Drunk to Foucault.
. . . [a punk band?? Single: "Subjectivity, Suspect Titties"]

Guattari and the Soft Subversion.
. . . [this could be like psytrance meets grindcore...]

Derridisco and the Deconstructionworkers.
. . . [experimental disco, obviously. Single: "Break My Binaries"]

The Bataillions.
. . . [60's hippie rock with some hardcore thrown in. Single: "Marcusin' You")]

Will to Cower and the Nietzchean Nightmare.
. . . [thrash metal!]

Homi and the Bharbharians.
. . . [post-colonial metal. Singles: "Po-Mo/Po-Co" & "Franz Fanonatic"]

Arendt You Ready to Dance?
. . . [good & evil / morality-themed disco]

Y'Artaudally Cruel and the Pirate Spectacle.
. . . [the spectacle of glam rock... but with pirates in straight-jackets?]

Similarity and Singularity.
. . . [a play on Difference and Repetition -- monotone keyboard tunes]

Baudretarded and the Simulacrazy.
. . . [experimental noise with gibberish singing?]

The Spectral Corporeal Temporal Aporial Messianic Events.
. . . [chaotic experimental existentialist noise]

Judith's Butlers.
. . .[sweet 80's Men At Work styled tunes performed by ladies in tuxedoes.]

Lukacsucker and the Manifesto-thumpers.
. . .[sexified/pornographic political garage rock?]

Gayatri and Guattari.
. . .[there'd be go-go dancers as back-up, and some mixes of Atari-tunes]

Spivak and the Post-colonial Zizek's.
. . .[I'm thinking like if M.I.A. did punk rock...]

The Spivak-Zizek Love Affair.
. . .["multicultural" mod-punk?]

From Freud to Marx.
. . .[The first single could be, "Yet another one, 'cuz everyone's doin' it" -- classic grunge rock]

Lacan't Stop the Music.
. . .[mirrorball disco. A single could be, "Zizek's Knocking on My Open Door"]

Deleuz'in It.
. . .[noise meets hip-hop, Singles: "Repeat Dis!" & "A Thousand Platinum Plateaus"]

Badiou & Badion't.
. . .[math metal.]

Proudhonesty & the Anarchist Economy.
. . .[obviously a punk band. Single: "Marx Doesn't Like Us!"]

Sartrean Sycophant and the Being Nothingnessness.
. . .[??? it could be anything... or nothing?]

Sir Francis and the Bacon Bits.
. . .[some kind of modernist, nihilistic, yet punk-y stuff]

Metaphysically Whiteheads.
. . .[obviously an experimental noise band. Single: "Too Trendy to Cite Us"]

Husserl's Table.
. . .[is there such a genre as phenomenological music? I bet it was popular in the 70's.]

Being Hannah & Hiedegger's Mistress.
. . .[some kind of Sid and Nancy punk duo]

Just Irigiray of Sunshine.
. . .[a 60's-ish garage mod/punk/pop band]

Immanence Airplane / Deterritorialized Modalities.
. . .[a chaotic experimental noise band]

Immaculate Misconceptions and the Messianic Temporalities
. . .[psytrance?]

1 comment:

Ashton said...

The Prince and the Machiavellians =D